Zero waste New Year Resolution

Published by Leo Clean on

In 2019, Pat Smith, a 70-year-old environmentalist, dedicated to a challenge – to clean 1 beach per week in Cornwall, South-West of England, in an effort to fight plastic pollution. In one year, Pat cleaned 52 beaches and is now leading ‘The Final Straw’ campaign that aims to eliminate all use of plastic straws. Many people today do not realize the major consequences on our ocean of plastic use (including the use of plastic straws); some may feel disconnected or may even lack genuine concern about the issue. 

Yet, it affects everyone!

In 2017, a study found that global production of plastic increased from 2.3 million tonnes in 1950, to 448 million tonnes in 2015. Sadly, 79% of this plastic ends up in landfills and our oceans. 

So, inspired by Pat’s wonderful initiative, Leo Clean is dedicated to continuing to reduce the environmental footprints by using as little plastic as possible. We invite all of Leo Clean’s customers and friends to join us for this New Year Resolution and to lead a year with less plastic in their lives.

A good place to start is by visiting some wonderful local shops or by clicking on the websites below for some information and tips on leading a waste-free lifestyle. 

Our favourite local Zero-Waste shop in Vancouver:

“Just Food, At Nada, We’re just food. No packaging and no funny ingredients you can’t pronounce.”

Categories: Environment