Create your dishwasher detergent tablets
- 480g baking soda
- 480g borax
- 220ml white vinegar
- 15 drops Lemon Essential Oil
- 10 drops Peppermint Essential Oil
Method of Preparation:
Step 1: In a large mixing bowl, combine the baking soda and the borax.
Step 2: Slowly add in the vinegar and essential oils. The vinegar will create a fizzing action.
Step 3: Stir to combine.
Step 3: Once combined, measure a full, rounded tablespoon of the mixture and add this to an ice-cube tray. Press down to form a tablet.
Step 4: Allow to dry out and harden overnight.
Step 5: The next day, onto a clean surface, carefully turn the tray overand allow the now solid tablets to fall out.
Step 6 : Place a tablet in the dish detergent compartment of your dishwasher and run the cycle as usual.